2016年10月23日 星期日



He sought oblivion in a bottle of whisky.他試圖用一瓶威士忌酒來忘卻一切。
第一段在講毒品K2 - spice10:04Life on the street, especially when it turns cold, it's bleak, it's boring, it's lonely, it's tedious. You're gonna find some way of seeking oblivion...

1 則留言:

  1. As claimed by Stanford Medical, It is indeed the one and ONLY reason this country's women get to live 10 years more and weigh on average 19 kilos less than we do.

    (And actually, it has totally NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret-exercise and absolutely EVERYTHING about "HOW" they are eating.)

    BTW, What I said is "HOW", and not "what"...

    CLICK this link to find out if this short test can help you decipher your real weight loss potential
